halfpenny dreams造句


  1. She wrote three novels under her own name, which were republished in 2016 under the name Frances Brody . " Sisters on Bread Street " is partly based on the story of her mother, who lived on Bread Street in Leeds as a child; it was published in a limited edition just after her mother's hundredth birthday, published in an expanded edition as " Somewhere Behind the Morning ", and republished in 2016 under its original title . " Sixpence in her Shoe " relates to the Leeds Children's Holiday Camp Association based at Silverdale, Lancashire, about which she has also written a factual history, " Now I am a Swimmer " ( the title being a quote from a child's letter home ) . " Sisters of Fortune " is the tale of two girls of different financial backgrounds growing up in Leeds, and was republished as " Halfpenny Dreams ".
  2. It's difficult to find halfpenny dreams in a sentence. 用halfpenny dreams造句挺难的


  1. "halfpence"造句
  2. "halfpences"造句
  3. "halfpennies"造句
  4. "halfpenny"造句
  5. "halfpenny bridge"造句
  6. "halfpenny green"造句
  7. "halfpenny green airport"造句
  8. "halfpenny marvel"造句
  9. "halfpenny piece"造句
  10. "halfpenny rose red"造句

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